NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback
NeurOptimal®is an advanced neurotechnology designed to train the brain to function at peak performance levels. This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, but rather a training for the brain.
It doesn’t matter what your starting point is — EVERY brain can benefit and tap into its own unique optimal state.
Join the millions of neurofeedback users worldwide who enjoy the benefits of:
- Managed Stress
- Healthy Sleep Habits
- Overall General Wellness
Connect with us to see how we get help you seek your optimal wellbeing!
FAQs, Sessions and Effects
What is Neuroptimal® Neurofeedback?
How Does Neuroptimal® work?
Why use Neuroptimal®?
Many Neuroptimal® users report life changing results. Elite athletes have used Neuroptimal®, reporting improvement in their physical performance and mental stamina. Insomnia sufferers report improved sleep. Veterans use it, stating it helps relieve the extreme challenges they face returning home from a war zone. Brain injury victims who train with Neuroptimal® tell how they’ve recovered more rapidly than their doctors expected. And brain training with Neuroptimal® has helped improve the lives of children with severe neuro-biological issues, communication and social challenges and general difficulties focusing in school.
What Happens During a Session?
Upon arrival at the clinic, you will be brought in a private room where you will sit in a comfortable chair and simply relax.
Sensors are applied to your scalp and ear clips to your ears. These sensors allow Neuroptimal® to read the delicate electrical activity of your brain much like an EKG reads your heart. You then listen to music and watch an ever-changing visual display, although you can close your eyes and tune out if you prefer. There are very brief pauses in the sound indicating Neuroptimal® is at work, invisibly guiding you through four unique “Zen Modes” during which the challenge to your brain is varied. Despite the complexity, no effort is required from you during the session at all! Simply relax and enjoy the 33-minute session while your brain re-organizes itself.
How Many Sessions do I Need?
Because everyone’s central nervous system is different, it is not possible to predict exactly how Your brain will respond to the information Neuroptimal® provides. But because there are over 3 million hours of experience with Neuroptimal® we can make some predictions. You can reasonably expect to see something shift within half a dozen sessions, and for many it is within a session or two.
How many sessions it will take to "complete" your training?
Do The Effects Last?
Neuroptimal® is a learning task, like learning to ride a bike or learning how to read. Once you know, you can’t “not know”, so the effects do remain with you. But your brain is also a living tissue, and it can get “knocked off balance” by challenges, hormonal changes, pollutants in the environment and stresses of everyday life. When this happens, a session or two can help get you back on point, working at your optimal efficiency.
Even if you come back many years later, the brain recognizes the information it receives from Neuroptimal®. It can find its way back relatively rapidly – much more quickly than the first time you did training. So, if you did a fairly complete initial training (20-30 sessions), and then have a major challenge like an illness, the loss of a job or a relationship, or even a head injury, your brain can quickly and efficiently use the information it receives from Neuroptimal® to reorganize itself and “find its way back”.
17-45966 Yale Road Chilliwack, BC V2P 2M3

What Makes Neuroptimal® Superior?
Neuroptimal® is not a game, fad or gadget. It is a life-changing technology, solidly founded in neuroscience, that can significantly enhance the human experience.
Diagnostically Agnostic. Instead of targeting specific symptoms, Neuroptimal® focuses on optimizing overall brain function.
Non-Invasive, nothing is going into the brain except information, which the brain is designed to deal with.
100% Natural.
“Neurofeedback has given me back my memory and sleep. I sleep so much better now. Having had chemo, my memory was really struggling, most evident at work. Neurofeedback has restored my memory to top-notch working order!”

Better Health Care is Our Mission
Delivering individualized health care for the modern era